This is a repost from a posting I sent last August. One of the issues
(the hg-eol extension) is largely resolved, so I'm only asking for
help on the other issue.

In this thread, I'd like to collect things that ought to be done
but where Dirkjan has indicated that he would prefer if somebody else
did it.

Item 1
The first item is build identification. If you want to work
on this, please either provide a patch (for trunk and/or py3k), or
(if you are a committer) create a subversion branch.

It seems that Barry and I agree that for the maintenance branches,
sys.subversion should be frozen, so we need actually two sets of
patches: one that removes sys.subversion entirely, and the other that
freezes the branch to the respective one, and freezes the subversion
revision to None.

The patch should consider what Dirkjan proposes as the branching
strategy: clones to separate 2.x and 3.x, as well as for features,
and branches with the clones for releases and maintenance (see the
PEP for details).

Anybody working on this should have good knowledge of the Python source
code, Mercurial, and either autoconf or Visual Studio (preferably both).


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