On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 1/28/2010 6:30 PM, Josiah Carlson wrote:
>> I would also point out that the way these things are typically done is
>> that programmers/engineers have use-cases that are not satisfied by
>> existing structures, they explain the issues they have with existing
>> structures, and they propose modifications.  So far, Steve has not
>> offered any use-cases for why his proposed change is necessary; merely
> Use of a list as a queue rather than as a stack, as in breadth-first search,
> where one only needs to pop off the front but never push to the front. That
> is not to say that this is common or that a deque or other options may no be
> pretty satisfactory. But it would certainly be easier, when presenting such
> algorithms, to just be able to use a list, which has already been taught,
> than to introduce another structure. Currently a deque is not a drop-in
> replacement for a list in that one cannot use all list methods with a deque.

Being able to use a list and get good performance straight off would
be *convenient*.  But that's it.  People use it as a queue, discover
that it is slow, ask (or research), and discover the deque.  The
use-cases where having the full range of list methods *and* deque
behavior are fairly slim (perhaps none in my experience), and I argue
are better covered by structures that are neither a Python list (even
with the modifications offered by Steve) nor a deque.

 - Josiah
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