Nick Coghlan <> writes:

> Actually, this is the first post I've seen noting objective problems
> with the use of a subdirectory. The others were just a subjective
> difference in perspective that saw subdirectory clutter as somehow
> being worse than file clutter.

Here's another one, then:

The directory where the source code files reside is often a working area
for the developer. The directory structure is an essential tool of
organising the project; the presence of an unwanted directory is clutter
to this purpose, in a way that the presence of an unwanted file is not.

 \         “Alternative explanations are always welcome in science, if |
  `\   they are better and explain more. Alternative explanations that |
_o__) explain nothing are not welcome.” —Victor J. Stenger, 2001-11-05 |
Ben Finney

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