On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:

>> I don't see spawnl as a viable alternative to fork. I imagine that I,
>> and others successfully mix threads and multiprocessing on non-win32
>> platforms just fine, knowing of course that fork() can cause heartburn
>> if you have global locks code within the forked() processes might be
>> dependent on. In fact multiprocessing uses threading internally.
> Sure. But sometimes global locks are out of your control. They can be e.g. in 
> a
> library (Pascal gave the example of the logging module; we may have more of 
> them
> in the stdlib).

I don't disagree there; but then again, I haven't seen this issue
arise (in my own code)/no bug reports/no test cases that show this to
be a consistent issue. I'm perfectly OK with being wrong, I'm just
leery to tearing out the internals for something else "not forking".

> It's certainly much more practical to give a choice in multithreading than ask
> all libraries writers to eliminate global locks.

Trust me, I'm all for giving users choice, and I'd never turn down
help - I'm just doubtful/wary on this count. If we wanted a fork-free
non-windows implementation, ala the current win32 implementation, then
we should just clone the windows implementation and work forward from

> I know, and that's why it wouldn't be a very controversial change to add an
> option to enable this path under Linux, would it?

Fair enough; but then you have the additional problem of trying to
explain to users the difference between
multiprocessing.Process(nofork=True) or .Process(fork=False) or
whatever argument we'd decide to use "use this if you have no threads,
global locks, etc, etc".

> Oh, sure. But if you want to be Windows-compatible you'd better comply with 
> this
> requirement anyway.

Kinda, sorta. So far, 99% of the multiprocessing code I've seen
doesn't attempt to be compatible with both unixes, and win32 -
commonly, it's either win32 *or* linux. Obviously, being compatible
with both means picking the lowest common denominator.

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