On 19/03/2010 12:46, Alex A. Naanou wrote:
class C(object):
...     def __radd__(self, other):
...         print 'C: adding C and %s objects.' % other.__class__.__name__
a, b, c = A(), B(), C()
1 + c
C: adding C and int objects.

That is the whole point of the __radd__ method. ints don't know how to add themselves to C objects, so int.__add__ will return NotImplemented and then Python will try C.__radd__.

All the best,



My first expectation would be to get a TypeError here, as ints indeed
have an __add__ method, and they do not know anything about C objects
(obviously :) ). On second thought, giving client code priority to
handle things has it's merits.

The problem is that I found no mention of this behavior in the docs.

P.S. tested in 2.5 through 3.0 and PyPy



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