On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:07 AM, Mark Dickinson <dicki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Mark Dickinson <dicki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Making hashes of int,
>> float, Decimal *and* Fraction all compatible with one another,
>> efficient for ints and floats, and not grossly inefficient for
>> Fractions and Decimals, is kinda hairy, though I have a couple of
>> ideas of how it could be done.
> To elaborate, here's a cute scheme for the above, which is actually
> remarkably close to what Python already does for ints and floats, and
> which doesn't require any of the numeric types to figure out whether
> it's exactly equal to an instance of some other numeric type.
> After throwing out infinities and nans (which can easily be dealt with
> separately), everything we care about is a rational number, so it's
> enough to come up with some mapping from the set of all rationals to
> the set of possible hashes, subject to the requirement that the
> mapping can be computed efficiently for the types we care about.
> For any prime P there's a natural 'reduce modulo P' map
>  reduce : {rational numbers} --> {0, 1, ..., P-1, infinity}
> defined in pseudocode by:
>  reduce(m/n) = ((m % P) * inv(n, P)) % P  if n % P != 0  else infinity
> where inv(n, P) represents the modular inverse to n modulo P.
> Now let P be the handy Mersenne prime P = 2**31-1 (on a 64-bit
> machine, the almost equally handy prime 2**61-1 could be used
> instead), and define a hash function from the set of rationals to the
> set [-2**31, 2**31) by:
> hash(0) = 0
> hash(m/n) = 1 + reduce(m/n - 1) if m/n > 0   # i.e., reduce m/n modulo
> P, but to [1..P] rather than [0..P-1].
> hash(m/n) = -hash(-m/n) if m/n < 0.
> and in the last two cases, map a result of infinity to the unused hash
> value -2**31.
> For ints, this hash function is almost identical to what Python
> already has, except that the current int hash does a reduction modulo
> 2**32-1 or 2**64-1 rather than 2**31-1.  For all small ints, hash(n)
> == n, as currently.  Either way, the hash can be computed
> digit-by-digit in exactly the same manner.  For floats, it's also easy
> to compute:  express the float as m * 2**e for some integers m and e,
> compute hash(m), and rotate e bits in the appropriate direction.  And
> it's straightforward to implement for the Decimal and Fraction types,
> too.
Will this change the result of hashing a long? I know that both gmpy
and SAGE use their own hash implementations for performance reasons. I
understand that CPython's hash function is an implementation detail,
but there are external modules that rely on the existing hash

FWIW, I'd prefer 2.7 and 3.2 have the same behavior. I don't mind the
existing 3.1 behavior and I'd rather not have a difference between 3.1
and 3.2.

> (One minor detail:  as usual, some postprocessing would be required to
> replace a hash of -1 with something else, since a hash value of -1 is
> invalid.)
> Mark
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