Steve> Why is it unavoidable that the Mac build will languish behind
    Steve> others?  Are we supporting MacOs or aren't we? If we are, why
    Steve> isn't the creation of the build a part of the release process?

    Steve> Clearly it's not a priority given that nobody has seen fit to (or
    Steve> had time to) reply to this mail in three weeks.

I'm not sure who normally creates the Mac distribution, perhaps Ronald
Ousorren?  It would appear that either Ronald (or whoever) has been
unavailable or there was no coordination between the Mac and non-Mac folks
involved in the release.

I'm willing to give it a whirl (I have both a MacBook Pro and a PowerMac G5
at home - both running Max OSX 10.5.x (Leopard)) though I will almost
certainly need a cheat sheet for the process.  I normally treat my Macs as
Unix boxes from a Python perspective so don't make framework builds.

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