On 18/04/2010 15:13, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
On 14 Apr, 2010, at 23:37, Michael Foord wrote:

On 14/04/2010 23:32, Greg Ewing wrote:
Michael Foord wrote:
Building Python requires, I believe, the XCode development tools to be 
installed. Even then, building a full version of Python - with *all* the C 
extensions that are part of a Python release - is not a trivial task.
What's non-trivial about it? I usually find that the normal
"./configure; make; make install" sequence works fine without
any further intervention.

If you want a framework installation you have to read the
README and use a couple of extra options, but it still works
very smoothly.

A build on my machine produces output similar to:

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not 
_bsddb             dl                 gdbm
imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev
readline           spwd               sunaudiodev
To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the 
module's name.

Failed to build these modules:

Obviously many of those are not meant to be built and I usually build Python 
for running the test suite - so I don't care about not having Tkinter. A new 
user of Python would most certainly care about not having Tkinter.

What's the OS version? Do you have a copy of Tcl/Tk in /Library/Frameworks?

10.6.3 and yes I have Tcl and Tk in /Library/Frameworks. How do I determine which versions they are?

All the best,




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