On 6/24/2010 9:18 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Scott Dial wrote:
>> But the only motivation for doing this with .pyc files is that the .py
>> files are able to be shared,
> In an application made up of a mixture of pure Python and
> extension modules, the .py files are able to be shared too.
> Seems to me that a similar motivation exists here as well.
> Not exactly the same, but closely related.

If I recall Barry's motivation correctly, the PEP was intended to
simplify the installation of packages for multiple versions of Python,
although the PEP states that in a less direct way. In the case of
pure-python packages, this is merely about avoiding .pyc collisions.
But, in the case of packages with .so files, I fail to see how this is
simpler (in face, I believe it to be more complicated). So, I am not
sure the PEP supports this feature being proposed (since it makes no
mention of .so files), and more importantly, I am not sure it actually
makes anything better for anyone (still requires multiple compilations
and un/install gymnastics).

Scott Dial
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