On 01/11/2010 11:33, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
On Mon, 01 Nov 2010 02:55:35 +0000
Michael Foord<fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk>  wrote:
Having a more efficient 'slow-path' and moving to that by default would
fix it. The bug is only a duplicate of the bug in sorted - caused by the
fact that sets / frozensets can't be sorted in the standard Python way
(their less than comparison adheres to the set definition). This is
something that will probably surprise many Python developers:

  >>>  a = [{2,4}, {1,2}]
  >>>  b = a[::-1]
  >>>  sorted(a)
[set([2, 4]), set([1, 2])]
  >>>  sorted(b)
[set([1, 2]), set([2, 4])]

(Fixing the bug in sorted would fix assertItemsEqual ;-)
How is this a bug? The sort algorithm is stable, which means the above
behaviour is a feature.

Well, bug is the wrong word as it is obviously an intended feature (or consequence of a feature). I still think, given the general behaviour of Python sorting, that it is unexpected. It breaks what is usually an invariant for sorting without an explicit key that sortable types sorted(l) == sorted(l[::-1]).

There is however a note in the set documentation:

Since sets only define partial ordering (subset relationships), the output of the list.sort() method is undefined for lists of sets.

I see no easy way of eliminating the O(n*n) issue. Custom key functions
can't work in all cases.

Right. Special casing sets and frozensets would be one (particularly inelegant) way however.

All the best,



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