On 10/11/2010 15:48, R. David Murray wrote:
On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:12:09 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull"<step...@xemacs.org>  
Nick Coghlan writes:

  >  >  Module writers who compound the error by expecting to be imported
  >  >  this way, thereby bogarting the global namespace for their own
  >  >  purposes, should be fish-slapped. ;)
  >  Be prepared to fish-slap all of python-dev then - we use precisely
  >  this technique to support optional acceleration modules. The pure
  >  Python versions of pairs like profile/_profile and heapq/_heapq
  >  include a try/except block at the end that does the equivalent of:
  >    try:
  >      from _accelerated import * # Allow accelerated overrides
  >    except ImportError:
  >      pass # Use pure Python versions

But these identifiers will appear at the module level, not global, no?
Otherwise this technique couldn't be used.  I don't really understand
what Tres is talking about when he writes "modules that expect to be
imported this way".  The *imported* module shouldn't care, no?  This
is an issue for the *importing* code to deal with.
I think Tres was referring to certain packages (which shall remain
nameless since I don't feel like googling to find one) whose
documentation recommends the 'from<me>  import *' methodology.

Contenders include popular libraries like fabric and django:


All the best,


At least that's how I read "Module writers who..."  (that is, he's not
saying the *module* expects to be imported that way). [*]

R. David Murray                                      www.bitdance.com

[*] although reading that sentence literally, the thought of such a
module writer themselves being imported that way (a la Tron) has a
certain charm....
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