On 18/11/2010 12:37, Georg Brandl wrote:
Am 18.11.2010 11:47, schrieb Michael Foord:
On 17/11/2010 21:16, Éric Araujo wrote:
Excluding a builtin name from __all__ sounds like a perfectly sensible
idea, so even if it wasn't deliberate, I'd say it qualifies as
fortuitous :)
But then, a tool that looks into __all__ to find for example what
objects to document will miss open.  I’d put open in __all__.

"import *" would then override the builtin open. A good reason not to
use "import *" I guess, but also a good reason not to create names that
shadow builtins.
Heh.  Instead have fun with io.ioopen(), gzip.gzipopen(),
webbrowser.webbrowseropen(), etc.?  We do have namespace support for a reason.

Or urllib2.urlopen, oh wait - that's real...

If I was importing from those namespaces I probably *would* import and rename to have unambiguous names (and you would *have* to if there was any possibility of you using the builtin open). io.open is arguably an exception to this as it does the same as the builtin open...

Using meaningful names is *good*. This is a reason I dislike modules that just call their base exception class "Error". You *have* to use it from the namespace (or import with import as and give it a good name) for it to have any meaning.



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