Am 25.02.2011 08:29, schrieb Eli Bendersky:
> Hi,
> Earlier today I've committed revision 88554, and a bit later a
> buildbot failure message was received:
> Builder AMD64 Windows Server 2008 hg-3.x build #47 failed with failed
> test_import, blamelist having my name because I made the last commit
> (apparently).
> Two other buildbots succeeded building and testing after my commit, as
> did my local tests. Some examination of the failed test shows no
> apparent connection to my commit.

You find the builder here:

The specific build you can find here

The failing build step is here

The failure message is this:

test test_import failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
line 182, in test_failing_import_sticks
    self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, __import__, TESTFN)
AssertionError: ZeroDivisionError not raised by __import__

In re-running the test, the test succeeded:

test_failing_import_sticks (test.test_import.ImportTests) ... ok

So apparently, this test case has a transient failure. It's not
obvious (to me) why there might be a transient failure in this
test case.

> What can be done in cases like this? How to investigate further?

One way of dealing with it is to ignore it. If you do want to
investigate further, try to reproduce the failure. It may be
that the specific sequence in which the tests are executed
can cause the failure. Or it's specific to the Windows installation,
and some interaction with the virus scanner, in which case you
should ask Brian for remote-desktop access to the build slave
in order to reproduce it.

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