On 03/17/2011 03:08 PM, Jesus Cea wrote:
I would suggest to keep deprecating things in 3.x, BUT keeping the
deprecated stuff around (maybe reimplementing them using the new stuff)
until we decide is safe to axe it, instead of the regular 3.x
deprecates, 3.(x+1) cleans up.

At some point, didn't we say PendingDeprecationWarning in version x, DeprecationWarning in x+1, and removal in x+2? That's what I've been doing, but it's not what PEP 5 says.

Removing in x+2 would lengthen the timeframe, although I agree with Guido that we should be extra careful for the next several years because of people moving directory from 2.7 to (say) 3.5.

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