Jesse Noller, 20.03.2011 13:51:

IMHO, taking modules that currently only have a C implementation due to
performance constraints and rewriting them in Cython is a much more
worthwhile thing to do than adding an alternative pure Python implementation
that other Python runtimes wouldn't use anyway. And at least IronPython
could soon benefit directly from a Cython implementation as well.


The other python implementation expressed serious interest, and are
willing to help support a shared standard library, and shared modules.
So saying they "won't use them anyway" may apply to things such as the
io module, but is far from the truth for the entire standard library.

I guess someone would have to look through the stdlib and make a list of suitable candidates for Cython compilation and/or Python/Cython/C reimplementations at this point.

You're also asking that we depend on Cython within core

It's a substantial dependency, sure. The question is: what's more work, having to install a specific version of Cython in order to work on CPython, or having to get fluent in C + C-API first?

I like the way the Jython people put it, slightly adapted into "We write C so you don't have to".

which while
it has it's benefits, I think warrants a PEP and a working
implementation to show the potential speedups you're talking about
before we can agree to include it/depend on it.

We will have a Cython core developers workshop next weekend. Maybe we can find a bit of time there to run the then-merged-together-bleeding-edge Cython over the standard library and see what that gives.

It's not easy to find good benchmarks, though. Most of what the PyPy/Unladen developers settled on so far isn't very interesting for the way Cython works. It's usually a bit of work to make the code substantially faster by providing enough type annotations to let the compiler drop critical Python code into C. We did that for a couple of benchmarks, but lost interest as there wasn't much to win - all we could show was that, by changing the code enough to make it violate the usual constraints of a fair benchmark comparison, you could make it run as fast as C code without writing C code. Not much news to us and nothing that would integrate in any acceptable way into

If anyone knows about a good benchmark for a currently pure Python standard library module, preferably a smaller, self-contained one that's somewhat computationally intensive, I'd be happy to hear about it.


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