On 15/04/2011 02:23, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Ricardo Kirkner wrote:

I have a TestCase class, which inherits from both Django's TestCase
and from some custom TestCases that act as mixin classes. So I have
something like

class MyTestCase(TestCase, Mixin1, Mixin2):

now django's TestCase class inherits from unittest2.TestCase, which we
found was not calling super. Even if this is a bug and should be fixed
in unittest2, this is an example where I, as a consumer of django,
shouldn't have to be worried about how django's TestCase class is
implemented. Since I explicitely base off 3 classes, I expected all 3
classes to be initialized, and I expect the setUp method to be called
on all of them.

If I'm assuming/expecting unreasonable things, please enlighten me.

If we treat django's failure to use super as a bug, you want the Python language to work-around that bug so that:

What you say (that this particular circumstance could be treated as a bug in django) is true, however consider the "recently" introduced problem caused by object.__init__ not taking arguments. This makes it impossible to use super correctly in various circumstances.


Given the following classes (Python 3):

class A:
    def __init__(self, a):
        print ('A')

class B:
    def __init__(self, a):
        print ('B')

class C(B):
    def __init__(self, a):
        print ('C')

It is impossible to inherit from both C and A and have all parent __init__ methods called correctly. Changing the semantics of super as described would fix this problem.


class D(C, A):
    def __init__(self, a):


This is printed:

(A __init__ is not called).

For this:

class D(A, C):
    def __init__(self, a):


The following is printed:

(B and C __init__ methods are not called.)

All the best,

Michael Foord

"I, as a consumer of django, shouldn't have to be worried about bugs in django". (For at least one class of bug.)

If we *don't* treat django's failure to use super as a bug, but as a deliberate design choice, then you are trying to do something which django doesn't support. Possibly *deliberately* doesn't support. You want the Python language to add that support so that:

"I, as a consumer of django, shouldn't have to be worried about whether django supports what I want to do or not".

Either way you look at it, I think it's extremely unreasonable to expect the language to work-around bugs in third-party applications, or to add features to them that the third-party developers either didn't consider or don't want.

Multiple inheritance is tricky enough to get right without adding "Do What I Mean" black magic to it. I'd rather work around bugs in third-party classes than try to deal with Python actively subverting the code I read and write by mysteriously calling superclass methods where there is no call to a superclass method.


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