On 7/20/2011 5:11 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
On 21/07/2011 10:02 AM, Glenn Linderman wrote:
So this tells me that it didn't find a local py.ini (no surprise, I
don't have one) but doesn't tell me that it did find or read
c:\Windows\system32\py.ini much less whether I have the syntax correct
for my [defaults] section.  It doesn't tell me that it didn't find a #!
line (but there isn't one).

I'll have a go at enhancing the debug output for most of the above (although note that if it *did* find a shebang line extra output would have been generated.)

Perhaps the problem is that there isn't one?  If it finds no virtual
command, maybe it doesn't obey the [defaults] python=3 directive?  The
PEP says it should act like '!#python' (I think the PEP meant
'#!python', though????).  There is no " " after '!#python' in the PEP,
so that disqualifies it from being a customized command, there is no
'/usr/bin/' nor '/usr/bin/env ' in front of the 'python' so that means
it is not a virtual command; and it is not a fully-qualified name, so it
doesn't mean that case either.... looks like the PEP needs a bit of
clarification here.

I'm not sure the PEP needs clarification - possibly just the implementation ;) But let me know if you think otherwise.

Well, at least !# should be changed to #! :) And then the example of "customized command" shows "#! vpython" with the space before the vpython, but the text describes the necessary space as being after the customized command, at least the way I read it. So I really don't know whether the example is showing an extraneous space after the ! (and not one after vpython) or exactly what is meant.

I do have a python on my path, but it is 3.1.2, not 3.2.1 or 2.6.4, and
it runs 2.6.4 as the output shows.

FYI, what is on the path isn't relevant to the launcher.

I didn't expect it to be, I just mentioned it in passing, because the launcher doesn't seem to be doing what I expect it to do, but neither does it seem to be using the PATH to find a Python either.

And I would expect it to run 3.2.1
with the [defaults] python=3 directive, since that is newer than 3.1.2,
which is on my PATH.

It may be that your copy of the launcher is a little old - some changes were pushed just yesterday (but I'm not sure if Vinay made a new installer yet). It has slightly better debug output (although generally not what you are asking for yet) and better "cross-bittedness" support.



Mine's a week old, yes.
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