Am 27.08.2011 12:10, schrieb Antoine Pitrou:
> On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:02:31 +0200
> "Martin v. Löwis" <> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure it's worth doing an extensive review of the code, a better
>>> approach might be to require extensive test coverage  (and a review of
>>> tests).
>> I think it's worth. It's really bad if only one developer fully
>> understands the regex implementation.
> Could such a review be the topic of an informational PEP?

Well, the reviewer would also have to dive into the code details,
e.g. through Rietveld. Of course, referencing the Rietveld issue in
the PEP might be appropriate.

A PEP should IMO only cover end-user aspects of the new re module.
Code organization is typically not in the PEP. To give a specific
example: you mentioned that there is (near) code duplication
MRAB's module. As a reviewer, I would discuss whether this can be
eliminated - but not in the PEP.

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