On 8/30/2011 4:41 PM, stefan brunthaler wrote:
Ok, there there's something else you haven't told us. Are you saying
that the original (old) bytecode is still used (and hence written to
and read from .pyc files)?

Short answer: yes.
Long answer: I added an invocation counter to the code object and keep
interpreting in the usual Python interpreter until this counter
reaches a configurable threshold. When it reaches this threshold, I
create the new instruction format and interpret with this optimized
representation. All the macros look exactly the same in the source
code, they are just redefined to use the different instruction format.
I am at no point serializing this representation or the runtime
information gathered by me, as any subsequent invocation might have
different characteristics.
When the switchover to the new instruction format happens, what happens to sys.settrace() tracing? Will it report the same sequence of line numbers? For a small but important class of program executions, this is more important than speed.


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