On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:
> If it is easier to review and comment on the PEP after it is published
> on python.org, I can submit it to the PEP editors anytime. Otherwise
> I'll wait until we've resolved a few more of the open questions, as it's
> easier for me to update the PEP on Bitbucket.

It's best to get it posted, firstly so it has an assigned PEP number
(although some may argue having to call it "the virtualenv PEP" is a
feature!), secondly so that it's easy for people to get hold of a
formatted version.

All the core committers can actually publish PEPs via the PEP hg repo,
so Vinay could probably handle pushing the updates to python.org.
Submission via the PEP editors is mainly there as a backstop for cases
where there's no current core dev directly involved in the PEP.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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