
   We are sorry but we cannot help you. This mailing list is to work on
developing Python (adding new features to Python itself and fixing bugs);
if you're having problems learning, understanding or using Python, please
find another forum. Probably python-list/comp.lang.python mailing list/news
group is the best place; there are Python developers who participate in it;
you may get a faster, and probably more complete, answer there. See
http://www.python.org/community/ for other lists/news groups/fora. Thank
you for understanding.

On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 03:46:04PM +0100, paspa...@noos.fr wrote:
> <BODY>Hello,<br><br>I am trying to send a tuple to a method of a python class

   Also please don't send html-only mail.

     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            p...@phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
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