Am 07.02.2012 20:10, schrieb Gregory P. Smith:
> Why do we still care about C89?  It is 2012 and we're talking about
> Python 3.  What compiler on what platform that anyone actually cares
> about does not support C99?

As Amaury says: Visual Studio still doesn't support C99. The story is
both funny and sad: In Visual Studio 2002, the release notes included
a comment that they couldn't consider C99 (in 2002), because of lack of
time, and the standard came so quickly. In 2003, they kept this notice.
In VS 2005 (IIRC), they said that there is too little customer demand
for C99 so that they didn't implement it; they recommended to use C++
or C#, anyway. Now C2011 has been published.

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