2012/2/28 Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us>:
> Here's what I know:
> We don't add features to bug-fix releases.
> u'' is considered a feature.
> By not backporting to 3.1 and 3.2 we are not easing the migration pains from
> 2.x.
> Here's what I don't know:
> Why is readding u'' a feature and not a bug?  (Just had a thought about this
> -- because the removal of u'' is documented.)

Because it's a new "thing" which doesn't fix obviously broken behavior.

> If there is already a FAQ entry feel free to point me to it, but I would
> still be curious why, in this instance, practicality does not beat purity?

Because it's practical not to break bugfix releases with new features.

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