On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 2:36 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> What is the status of the third party module on PyPI (distutils2)?
> Does it contain all fixes done in the packaging module? Does it have
> exactly the same API? Does it support Python 2.5 to 3.3, or maybe also
> 2.4?
> How is the distutils2 module installed? Installed manually? Using pip
> or setuptools? Is distutils2 included in some Linux distributions?
> If it's simple to install distutils2, it's not a big deal to not have
> it in the stdlib.
> --
> It is sometimes a pain to have a buggy module in Python. For example,
> I got a lot of issues with the subprocess module of Python 2.5. I
> started to include a copy of the subprocess module from Python 2.7 in
> my projects to workaround these issues.
> In my previous work we did also backport various modules to get the
> last version of the xmlrpc client on Python 2.5 (especially for
> HTTP/1.1, to not open a new TCP socket at each request).
> I don't want to reopen the discussion "the stdlib should be an
> external project". I just want to confirm that it is better to wait
> until important users of the packaging API have finished their work
> (on porting their project to distutils2, especially pip), before we
> can declare the module (and its API) as stable.
> By the way, what is the status of "pip using distutils2"?
Some students started on a pip2 that was based on distutils2, but I don't think
they've really done much/anything with actually using distutils2 and have mostly
been working on other parts. 
> Victor
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