Antoine Pitrou <> writes:

> I've upgraded the Mercurial version on If there any
> problems, don't hesitate to post here.
> (apart from the connectivity problems we seem to have from time to time
> and which shouldn't be related)

I'm not sure if this is related to the upgrade specifically (or just
some other hg issue0, but yesterday my Windows 7 buildbot failed an hg
pull operation on the 3.x branch and automatically removed it's local
repository.  Ever since then an attempt to start fresh (with an hg
clone) is dying during the clone operation.

I'm running the clone operation manually now, and after sitting there
for 10 minutes or so at the "adding changesets" stage, it died just
like in the buildbot logs ("transaction abort!" followed by "rollback
completed").  Nothing was happening on the buildbot during the adding
changesets delay so I'm assuming that was all server-side.

-- David

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