Am 27.02.2013 17:51, schrieb Michael Foord:
> Hello all,
> PyCon, and the Python Language Summit, is nearly upon us. We have a good 
> number of people confirmed to attend. If you are intending to come to the 
> language summit but haven't let me know please do so.
> The agenda of topics for discussion so far includes the following:
> * A report on pypy status - Maciej and Armin
> * Jython and IronPython status reports - Dino / Frank 
> * Packaging (Doug Hellmann and Monty Taylor at least)
> * Cleaning up interpreter initialisation (both in hopes of finding areas
>   to rationalise and hence speed things up, as well as making things
>   more embedding friendly). Nick Coghlan
> * Adding new async capabilities to the standard library (Guido)
> * cffi and the standard library - Maciej
> * flufl.enum and the standard library - Barry Warsaw
> * The argument clinic - Larry Hastings
> If you have other items you'd like to discuss please let me know and I can 
> add them to the agenda.

May I in absentia propose at least a short discussion of the XML fixes
and accompanying security releases?  FWIW, for 3.2 and 3.3 I have no
objections to secure-by-default.


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