Ah, yeah, that makes sense -- thanks for the further explanation. True
about older versions of Python "not going away".

> What about just have these attributes/functions on OSes that support it,

> > for example os.kill on Python 2.6 vs 2.7?
> I'm afraid it's not that simple.  The issue (as I understand it from Crys)
> is that we compile using setting that prevent the advanced features being
> used, and that's really the only way to do it.  That is, you can only get
> the advanced features by using certain settings, and if you use those,
> the compiled code won't run on XP.  So it is not practical to decide only
> at runtime to support the advanced feature, meaning there would have to
> be a differently compiled version of Python specifically for Windows XP
> (and doubtless new XP-specific ifdefs *as well*), and I doubt the core
> team is going to go there.
> The older versions of Python won't be going away.  Those can still be
> used on XP.  Of course, they won't get bug fixes...just like XP itself.
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