On 15 Jul, 2013, at 18:49, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>> A major open issue: the __locallookup__ method could also be used for normal 
>> attribute resolution, but that probably causes issues with attribute caching 
>> (see the PEP for details).  I haven't worked out yet if it is worthwhile to 
>> tweak the proposal to fix the caching issues (even though the proposal 
>> currently says that PyObject_GenericGetAttr will use the new method). Fixing 
>> the caching issue definitly would help in my primary use case by reducing 
>> code duplication, but might end up making the API unnecessarily complex.
> Hm. It looks like the functionality you actually want to hook into is
> in _PyType_Lookup().

That's right. I didn't want to get too technical, but forgot to consider
who are reading this :-)

> I think that in this case the PEP's acceptance will be highly
> correlated with your ability to produce an actual patch that (a)
> implements exactly the functionality you want (never mind whether it
> matches the exact API currently proposed), and (b) doesn't slow down
> classes that don't provide this hook.

I'd only reall need the functional change to super(), but I am working on
a patch that also changes _PyType_Lookup. I think I can avoid slowdown
by making the tp_locallookup optional and only "punishing" those classes
that use the new slot.  A minor complication is that I'll have to change
the interface of _PyType_Lookup, it currently returns a borrowed reference
and will return a new reference. That's just careful bookkeeping though.

> Other than that, I think that it's a laudable attempt at generalizing,
> and I hope you solve the implementation conundrum.

I was pleasantly surprised in how the changed API was cleaner and applicable
to _PyType_Lookup as well. I guess that means I'm on the right path.


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