On 16 July 2013 13:16, Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com> wrote:
> I understand that.  Unfortunately the remainder of the world does not.
> The same IDEs that would be helped via this proposed change have "PEP8
> modes" turned on *by default*!
> http://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2013/02/long-awaited-pep-8-checks-on-the-fly-improved-doctest-support-and-more-in-pycharm-2-7/
> It seems like an unwise step to continue stuffing things into the PEP8
> brand bag as a result if that stuff is only meant to apply to the
> stdlib.

Clarifying what constitutes an internal interface in a way that
doesn't require renaming anything is a necessary prerequisite for
bundling or bootstrapping the pip CLI in Python 3.4 (as pip exposes
its internal implemetnation API as "import pip" rather than "import
_pip" and renaming it would lead to a lot of pointless code churn).
Without that concern, the topic never would have come up.

Yes, this new section may give the PEP 8 prescriptivists more
ammunition to complain about existing projects with different coding
standards not complying with the latest standard library guidelines.
We're not unfamiliar with the complaint, given the number of standard
library modules (some dating from the 20th century) that don't comply
with the current incarnation of PEP 8 circa 2013.

However, PEP 8 is already quite explicit about what we think of that
kind of behaviour:

PEP 8 is a tool. Like many of the other tools we provide as part of
Python, it can be abused. However, the likelihood of such abuse is
*not* an excuse to avoid using the tool appropriately, it's a reason
to continue the thankless task of trying to educate people on what's
appropriate and what isn't (and making wholesale changes to working
code just to comply with a style guide generally isn't appropriate).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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