On 10/31/2013 05:20 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
I did another experiment. I replaced enable/disable/is_enabled with
start/stop/is_tracing, and added enable/disable/is_enabled functions
to disable temporarily tracing.


- clear_traces(): clear traces
- start(): start tracing (the old "enable")
- stop(): stop tracing and clear traces (the old "disable")
- disable(): disable temporarily tracing
- enable(): reenable tracing
- is_tracing(): True if tracemalloc is tracing, False otherwise (the
old "is_enabled")
- is_enabled(): True if tracemalloc is enabled, False otherwise

These names make more sense. However, `stop` is still misleading as it both stops and destroys data. An easy fix for that is for stop to save the data somewhere so get_traces (or whatever) can still retrieve it.

If `stop` really must destroy the data, perhaps it should be called `close` instead; StringIO has a similar close method that when called destroys any stored data, and get_value must be called first if that data is wanted.

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