with older releases (I admit I don't understand the ABI compatibility on

Well, with OS-X, it's not exactly the C lic in the same way, but there are
different SDKs for different OS versions, and you can add to that PPC vs
Intel processors and 32 vs 64 bit.

So we have for years had two builds for OS-X, and you can add to that
Macports, Homebrew, and what have you.

And the idea that this isn't an issue for gcc makes no sense-- it's such a
big issue for Linux, in fact that python.org doesn't even try to build
binaries for Linux, and pypi has disabled binary wheels for Linux.

So adding VS 2010 build files to the 2.7 tree would be fine with me,

I think this part is a no brainer.

I also think having a 2.8 out there that is exactly the same as 2.7, except
that it was built with a different version of a compiler on one particular
platform is a very very bad idea.

So how CAN this be addressed? This is really a distribution issue, and the
distutils-sig has been hard at work building the infrastructure to support
things like this.

Right now, if you build binary wheels with the two different "official"
OS-X builds, you will get two different names, and pop can find the correct
one. (last I checked, pip would happily install the wrong one if you asked
it to, though I think that is slated to be fixed)

So if a different build of 2.7 for Windows is put out there, we need to
make sure it reports the platform in a way that wheel and pip can make the

It might be nice to patch the win_inst too--IIRC it's still not very smart
about even 32 vs 64 bit builds.

As for stackless--just to be clear--can you use extensions built with the
"regular" python with a stack less binary? If so, I understand the concern.
If not, then it seems stackless is a separate ecosystem anyway.

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