> Well, "path" is much too common already, and it's an obvious variable
> name for a filesystem path, so "pathlib" is better to avoid name
> clashes.

Yep, that makes total sense, thanks.

>> However, it seems there was no further discussion about why not
>> "extension" and "extensions"? I have never heard a filename extension
>> being called a "suffix". I know it is a suffix in the sense of the
>> English word, but I've never heard it called that in this context, and
>> I think context is important. Put another way, "extension" is obvious
>> and guessable, "suffix" isn't.
> Well, perhaps :-), but nobody opposed suffix and suffixes at the time.
> Note the API is provisional, so we can still make it change, but
> obviously the barrier for changes is higher now that the PEP is
> accepted and the beta has been cut.

Okay. I won't push hard :-) as "suffix" isn't terrible, but has anyone
else never (or rarely) heard the term "suffix" applied to filename

>> 3) Obviously pathlib isn't going in the stdlib in Python 2.x, but I'm
>> wondering about writing portable code when you want the string version
>> of the path. In Python 3.x you'll call str(path_obj), but in Python
>> 2.x that will fail if the path has unicode chars in it, and you'll
>> need to use unicode(path_obj), which of course doesn't work 3.x.
> The behaviour of unicode paths in Python 2 is erratic
> (system-dependent).  pathlib can't really fix it: Python 2 doesn't know
> about a well-defined filesystem encoding.

Fair enough.

>> 4) Is path_obj.glob() recursive?
> This is documented:
> http://docs.python.org/dev/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.Path.glob
> http://docs.python.org/dev/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.Path.rglob
>> Seems much more Pythonic to provide an actual argument (or different
>> function) for this change in behaviour, rather than stuffing the
>> "recursive flag" inside the pattern string.
> It's not a flag, it's a different wildcard. This allows e.g. a library
> function to call glob() and users to pass a recursive or non-recursive
> pattern as they wish.

Okay, just saw those docs now -- thanks. Fair enough re "it's a
different wildcard". At the least I don't think there should be two
ways to do it -- in other words, either rglob() or glob('**'), both
seems very un-PEP 20 to me. My preference is rglob(), but
glob(recursive=True) would be fine too.

>> Has this ship already sailed with http://bugs.python.org/issue13968?
> This issue is still open, so no :-)

Same goes for this issue -- there should be OOWTDI, and my preference
is rglob() or glob(recursive=True). But maybe issue 13968's behaviour
can be determined by pathlib's now that pathlib is the one getting
done first.

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