On 1/5/2014 11:21 AM, Larry Hastings wrote:

Let me start with a summary of the current status of Argument Clinic.
It's checked in, it seems to be working fine.  As of Friday I've checked
in some reasonably complete documentation as a howto:


At last, here in beta 2, Argument Clinic is ready for prime time.

What about adoption?  That's where Argument Clinic has stalled.  By my
estimate, there are about six hundred places that could be converted to
work with Argument Clinic in CPython; as of this writing only a dozen or
two have actually been converted.

Do you remember which? I suggest builtin classes and functions as priorities.

You see where I'm going with this.  I am now, reluctantly, proposing
that once 3.4.0b2 ships (should be later today), we the Python core
development community roll up our collective sleeves and attempt to
convert all the builtins to work with Argument Clinic.

I will try to speed up my timetable for converting Idle calltips to using inspect.signature instead of the older functions. Does help (pydoc) already do so?

Terry Jan Reedy

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