On 06/01/2014 23:16, Nick Coghlan wrote:
For anyone that isn't already aware, I wrote a Q & A about Python 3 last
year (in response to an article about how we should have fixed the GIL
instead of Unicode), and I've updated it extensively over the past
several days due to Alex's misunderstanding of the objectives for Python
3.4 as well as Armin's latest piece on the increased difficulties in
writing wire protocol handling code.

The two main additions I currently have planned are a question
specifically about the state of the WSGI protocol (it works, but it an
error prone way), as well as one on what I'd like to see as the next
steps in encouraging Python 3 adoption now that we're within 18 months
of the planned date for 2.7 to enter security fix only mode (which
involve encouraging community workshops to switch to teaching Python 3.4
initially, with Python 2.7 as an optional follow up, helping Ubuntu &
Fedora with their transitions to Py3 by default, bringing 3.5 closer to
parity with Python 2 for wire protocol development, and, on the Red
Hat/Fedora side, helping to encourage the adoption of software
collections as a mechanism for decoupling the runtime for Python
applications from the system Python on RHEL 6 and its derivatives.

I thought I mentioned it on this list last year when I first wrote it,
but some messages I've seen recently suggest many folks haven't seen it


Is it on the back of a fag packet or is there a link somewhere? :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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