
I like your proposal.  There is one idea I have that could,
perhaps, improve it:

1. “%s" and “{}” will continue to work for bytes and bytearray in
the following fashion:

 - check if __bytes__/Py_buffer supported.
 - if it is, check that the bytes are strictly in the printable 
   ASCII-subset (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 + special symbols like ! etc).
   Throw an error if the check fails. If not - concatenate.
 - Try str(), and do ".encode(‘ascii’, ‘stcict’)” on the result.

This way *most* of the use cases of python2 will be covered without
touching the code. So:

 - b’Hello {}’.format(‘world’) 
   will be the same as b’hello ‘ + str(‘world’).encode(‘ascii’, ‘strict’)

 - b’Hello {}’.format(‘\u0394’) will throw UnicodeEncodeError

 - b’Status: {}’.format(200)
   will be the same as b’Status: ‘ + str(200).encode(‘ascii’, ‘strict’)

 - b’Hello %s’ % (‘world’,) - the same as the first example

 - b’Connection: {}’.format(b’keep-alive’) - works

 - b’Hello %s’ % (b'\xce\x94’,) - will fail, not ASCII subset we accept

I think it’s OK to check the buffers for ASCII-subset only. Yes, it
will have some sort of sub-optimal performance, but then, it’s quite
rare when string formatting is used to concatenate huge buffers.

2. new operators {!b} and %b. This ones will just use ‘__bytes__’ and 

Yury Selivanov

On January 14, 2014 at 11:31:51 AM, Brett Cannon ( wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Guido van Rossum  
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Brett Cannon  
> wrote:
> > > I have been going on the assumption that bytes.format() would  
> change what
> > > '{}' meant for itself and would only interpolate bytes. That  
> convenient
> > > between Python 2 and 3 since it represents what we want it to  
> (str and
> > bytes
> > > under the hood, respectively), so it just falls through. We  
> could also
> > add a
> > > 'b' conversion for bytes() explicitly so as to help people  
> not
> > accidentally
> > > mix up things in bytes.format() and str.format(). But I was  
> not
> > suggesting
> > > adding a specific format spec for bytes but instead making  
> bytes.format()
> > > just do the .encode('ascii') automatically to help with compatibility  
> > when a
> > > format spec was present. If people want fancy formatting for  
> bytes they
> > can
> > > always do it themselves before calling bytes.format().
> >
> > This seems hastily written (e.g. verb missing :-), and I'm not  
> clear
> > on what you are (or were) actually proposing. When exactly would  
> > bytes.format() need .encode('ascii')?
> >
> > I would be happy to wait a few hours or days for you to to write it  
> up
> > clearly, rather than responding in a hurry.
> Sorry about that. Busy day at work + trying to stay on top of this  
> entire
> conversation was a bit tough. Let me try to lay out what I'm suggesting  
> for
> bytes.format() in terms of how it changes
> for bytes.
> 1. New conversion operator of 'b' that operates as PEP 460 specifies  
> (i.e.
> tries to get a buffer, else calls __bytes__). The default conversion  
> changes from 's' to 'b'.
> 2. Use of the conversion field adds an added step of calling
> str.encode('ascii', 'strict') on the result returned from  
> calling
> __format__().
> That's it. So point 1 means that the following would work in Python  
> 3.5::
> b'Hello, {}, how are you?'.format(b'Guido')
> b'Hello, {!b}, how are you?'.format(b'Guido')
> It would produce an error if you used a text argument for 'Guido'  
> since str
> doesn't define __bytes__ or a buffer. That gives the EIBTI group  
> their
> bytes.format() where nothing magical happens.
> For point 2, let's say you have the following in Python 2::
> 'I have {} bottles of beer on the wall'.format(10)
> Under my proposal, how would you change it to get the same result  
> in Python
> 2 and 3?::
> b'I have {:d} bottles of beer on the wall'.format(10)
> In Python 2 you're just being more explicit about the format,  
> otherwise
> it's the same semantics as today. In Python 3, though, this would  
> translate
> into (under the hood)::
> b'I have {} bottles of beer on the wall'.format(format(10,
> 'd').encode('ascii', 'strict'))
> This leads to the same bytes value in Python 2 (since it's just  
> a string)
> and in Python 3 (as everything accepted by bytes.format() is  
> either bytes
> already or converted to from encoding to ASCII bytes). While  
> Python 2 users
> would need to make sure they used a format spec to get the same result  
> in
> both Python 2 and 3 for ASCII bytes, it's a minor change which also  
> makes
> the format more explicit so it's not an inherently bad thing.  
> And for those
> that don't want to utilize the automatic ASCII encoding they  
> can just not
> use a format spec in the format string and just pass in bytes directly  
> (i.e. call __format__() themselves and then call str.encode()  
> on their
> own). So PBP people get to have a simple way to use bytes.format()  
> in
> Python 2 and 3 when dealing with things that can be represented  
> as ASCII
> (just as the bytes methods allow for currently).
> I think this covers your desire to have numbers and anything else  
> that can
> be represented as ASCII be supported for easy porting while covering  
> my
> desire that any automatic encoding is clearly explicit in the  
> format string
> and in no way special-cased for only some types (the introduction  
> of a 'c'
> converter from PEP 460 is also fine with me).
> How you would want to translate this proposal with the % operator  
> I'm not
> sure since it has been quite a while since I last seriously used  
> it and so
> I don't think I'm in a good position to propose a shift for it.
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