On 01/15/2014 05:17 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:

I think the PEP could really use a rationale section

It will have one before it's done.

Also I think it would be useful to have a section summarizing the
primary objections that have been raised, and why those objections have
been overruled

Excellent point.  That section will also be present.

In order to avoid the problems of auto-conversion and value-generated
all object checking will be done via isinstance, not by values contained
in a
Unicode representation.  In other words::

   - duck-typing to allow/reject entry into a byte-stream
   - no value generated errors

This seems self-contradictory; "isinstance" is type-checking, which is
the opposite of duck-typing.

Good point, I'll reword that.  It will be duck-typing.

I think it might also be good to expand (very) slightly on what "the
problems of auto-conversion and value-generated exceptions" are

Will do.

.. [2] TypeError, ValueError, or UnicodeEncodeError?

TypeError seems right to me. Definitely not UnicodeEncodeError - refusal
to implicitly encode is not at all the same thing as an encoding error.

That's the direction I'm leaning, too.

Thanks for your comments!

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