On 25/04/2014 13:09, Chris Withers wrote:
> On 25/04/2014 04:03, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> On Apr 25, 2014, at 12:00 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> Don't forget that PEP 8 is not the standard for the Python language,
>>> only the Python stdlib. Particularly, there's no strong reason to
>>> follow some of its lesser advices (eg spaces rather than tabs, the
>>> exact maximum line length) for new projects;
>> I'd say it depends.  If the code is going to be shared with people
>> outside of
>> your organization (e.g. open source libraries), then there's a strong
>> motivation to be consistent throughout the community, which means PEP 8.
> Right, so for me this means even in a private code base, there are big
> benefits to using PEP 8; everything looks the same, whether it's a third
> party library, python core or your own code...

I essentially had this conversation via my blog a couple of years ago:




and was quite surprised at the strength of feeling evoked. As you can
even tell from the titles of the posts, I ended up by accepting that,
even though I'm at liberty to apply my own format to my own code, it
would be more of a community-friendly idea to use [near-enough] PEP8

As you can also see from the comments throughout, YMMV.


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