Am 06.06.14 20:25, schrieb Brian Curtin:
> We're going to have to change it at some point, otherwise we're going
> to have people in 2018 scrambling to find VS2008, which will be 35
> versions too old by then.

Not sure whether you picked 2018 deliberately: extended support for
VS2008 Professional ends on April 10, 2018.

In any case, the extension problem will occur regardless of what
you do:
- if you switch compilers within 2.7, applications may crash
- if you switch compilers and declare it 2.8, you extensions
  might not be available precompiled for some time (in particular
  if the developers of some package have abandoned 2.7)
- if you don't switch compilers, availability of the tool chain
  will be terrible.


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