While porting some code from 2.7 to 3.4 I discovered that
command.getstatusoutput() (renamed to subprocess.getstatusoutput() in 3.x)
had changed. Surprise!

The code was working under an earlier version of 3.3 but broke when I ran
it on 3.4.  Nowhere was this documented that I could find. Tracking down
what changed, I discovered it was unintentional due to the meaning of the
returned status int never being tested. http://bugs.python.org/issue23508

Given it has shipped in several stable 3.x releases and as part of some
major Linux distros, reverting the behavior change seems wrong. The new
behavior is nicer and more consistent with the rest of the subprocess
module. I suggest just documenting it and moving on. It seems too late to
fix this mistake without causing additional headaches. Anyone disagree?

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