On Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:27:50 +0300, Paul Sokolovsky <pmis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was replying to Steven's message. Did you read it?
> Yes. And I try to follow general course of discussion, as its hard to
> follow individual sub-threads. And for example yesterday's big theme
> was people blackmailing that they stop contributing to stdlib if
> annotations are in, and today's theme appear to be people telling that
> static type checking won't be useful. And just your reply to Steven
> was a final straw which prompted me to point out that static type
> checking is not a crux of it, but just one (not the biggest IMHO) usage.

Please be respectful rather than inflammatory.  If you read what I
wrote, I did not say that I was going to stop contributing, I
specifically talked about that gut reaction being both emotional and
illogical.  That doesn't make the reaction any less real, and the fact
that such reactions exist is a data point you should consider in
conducting your PR campaign for this issue.  (I don't mean that last as
a negative:  this issue *requires* an honest PR campaign.)

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