On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Sven R. Kunze <srku...@mail.de> wrote:
> Seems like we stick to this example once again. So, let me get this
> straight:
> 1) I can add, subtract, multiply and divide real numbers.
> 2) I can add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers.
> 3) I can even add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers AND real
> numbers altogether in a single expression.
> 4) Granted, complex numbers can do more but that basically follows from
> their definition and does not jeopardize ease of usage.

Until you run into a TypeError: unorderable types: complex() >
complex(), at which point you realize that they aren't a simple
superset of reals with all the same operations supported.

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