On 07/16/2015 01:29 PM, Michael Foord wrote:
On Tuesday, 14 July 2015, Christie Wilson wrote:

Unless the line silently executes and they don't notice the mistake for years 

Indeed. This has been a problem with mock, misspelled (usually misremembered) 
assert methods silently did nothing.

With this fix in place several failing tests were revealed in code bases!

This is good.  :)

As for assret, it's the common misspelling people have told me about. It seems 
a ridiculous
 thing for people to get worked up about, but people enjoy getting worked up.

It's the only exercise some of us get.  ;)

On the serious side, Python is not a DWIM language, and making accommodations for a misspelling feels very DWIMish. As I said in an earlier email part of writing good tests is double-checking that a test is failing (and for the right reasons). And yes, I am guilty of writing bad tests, and getting bit by it, and no, I still don't want the testing framework (or any part of Python) guessing what I meant.

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