On 2015-08-10 23:54, Victor Stinner wrote:

    PEP 498:


    Leading whitespace in expressions is skipped

Because expressions may begin with a left brace ('{'), there is a
problem when parsing such expressions. For example:

f'{{k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]}}'  '{k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]}'


For me, this example is crazy. You should not add a special case (ignore
spaces) just to support a corner case.

Is it a special case? Don't we already ignore leading spaces in
bracketed expressions?

This example can easily be rewritten using a temporary variable and it
makes the code simpler.

items={k:v for k, v in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]; f'{items}'

Seriously, a dict-comprehension inside a f-string should be considered
as an abuse of the feature. Don't you think so?

True. Or we can wrap it in parentheses. :-)

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