On 12.05.2016 00:13, Brett Cannon wrote:
I see this whole discussion breaking down into a few groups which changes what gets done upfront and what might be done farther down the line:

 1. Maximum acceptance: do whatever we can to make all representation
    of paths just work, which means making all places working with a
    path in the stdlib accept path objects, str, and bytes.
 2. Safely use path objects: __fspath__() is there to signal an object
    is a file system path and to get back a lower-level representation
    so people stop calling str() on everything, providing some
    interface signaling that someone doesn't misuse an object as a
    path and only changing path consumptions APIs -- e.g. open() --
    and not path manipulation APIs -- e.g. os.path -- in the stdlib.
 3. It ain't worth it: those that would rather just skip all of this
    and drop pathlib from the stdlib.

Sorry for being picky here. I think the last group needs to be split up:

3. It ain't worth it: those that would rather just skip all of this
4. drop pathlib from the stdlib.

I put myself into camp 3, mostly because I don't consider the "wallet garden problem" a problem at all and I realized that our past issues with pathlib resulted from missing features in pathlib not in the rest of the stdlib.

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