Nathaniel Smith writes:

 > > Well, I'm afraid to contact this closed and not-for-mortals list,
 > > not sure this very basic question should go there ;) perhaps you
 > > are already a member, feel free to forward.
 > core-mentorship is intended as a friendly place for folks who are
 > starting to study CPython internals. I'm not sure where you got the
 > impression that it's not-for-mortals but I suspect the people
 > running it would like to know so they can fix it :-).

I imagine Oleg got that impression because he tried to access the
archives, which are closed to non-members.  I don't recall the
rationale for that but there was one, I suspect that won't change.
IMO, the listinfo
makes it clear that developers new to Python core code (whether they
are new or advanced developers in other code bases) are welcome.

If it's something else, we would *definitely* like to know.


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