On 2017-05-25 22:16, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
Thanks Jake!

I'm laughing at not being in the photo. That must've happened soon after I left the room as I disappeared a tad early. I'll pretend I'm hiding behind Brett or Thomas. ;)

> -gps
Or someone could Photoshop you in. :-)

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 10:34 AM Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org <mailto:ba...@python.org>> wrote:

    On May 25, 2017, at 08:03 AM, Jake Edge wrote:

     >Thanks to Larry and Barry, I was able to sit in on the Python Language
     >Summit again this year.  The start of the coverage for that is now

    Thanks so much for your always excellent reporting Jake.  It's
    that we can't invite everyone who wants to attend the summit, so
    your articles
    are the best way to improve our transparency, reduce the mystery,
    and let the
    rest of the community see what happens when you lock <wink> a bunch
    of core
    devs in a room for a day.

    be-fez-zled-ly y'rs,

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