> On Nov 6, 2017, at 8:01 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I indicated in my comment there, I'm now wondering if there might
> be an opportunity here whereby we could use the *dataclasses* module
> to define a stable non-provisional syntactically compatible subset of
> the typing module, and require folks to start explicitly depending on
> the typing module (as a regular PyPI dependency) if they want anything
> more sophisticated than that (Unions, Generics, TypeVars, etc).

I have an issue open about essentially this idea:

The consensus is that this is too expensive to do this in time for Python 3.7. 
On the other hand, not doing anything is terrible in terms of usability: now 
users will be forced to use both `typing` (a frozen non-provisional version in 
the stdlib) and `typing_extensions` (new features that we couldn't add directly 
to `typing`).

This is the reason why Guido asked about moving `typing` out of the standard 
library. Currently it seems that the best thing that we can do is to ship an 
upgradeable version of `typing` with Python 3.7.0. There are many details to be 
figured out here:

1. Does that mean `typing` is going to be provisional forever? The answer is 
surprisingly "yes" since it makes sense to keep updating the bundled `typing` 
in 3.7.1, 3.7.2, etc. We need to update PEP 411 to talk about this new case.

2. Does that mean `typing` can now become backwards incompatible randomly? The 
answer should be "no" and already is "no". If you look at typing.py, it already 
ships in Python 3.6 with some crazy dances that makes it work even on Python 

3. Does that mean that Debian is going to rip it out and make people install a 
`python-typing` .deb? Sadly, probably yes. We need to figure out what that 
means for us.

4. How do we even version this library then? Probably like this:,,, and so on. But that depends on answers to the other questions 

5. What will happen to typing_extensions and mypy_extensions? They can probably 
be folded into typing This is a huge win for usability.

6. Where will we track issues for it? Which repo will be the source of truth? 
Fortunately, we already have https://github.com/python/typing/ 

There's more things to figure out for sure. And the clock is ticking. But this 
is a great case study to figure out since more packages in the standard library 
could use a release model like this, and maybe in the future this will finally 
lead to unbundling of the standard library from the runtime. Yeah, it's a long 
shot and the dependency graph between libraries in the standard library is 
rather extensive. But this is the first step.

- Ł

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