> On Nov 7, 2017, at 9:39 AM, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Nov 2017 at 03:34 Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:p.f.mo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Because type annotations are a development-time feature, they should
> *not* require a dependency in the final deployment (apart from Python
> itself). However, because they are a language syntax feature they are
> of necessity written in the application source. And type specification
> of anything more complex than basic types (for example, List[int])
> requires classes defined in the typing module. Therefore, typing must
> be in the stdlib so that use of type annotations by the developer
> doesn't impose a runtime dependency on the end user.
> That's not necessarily true if Lukasz's PEP lands and annotations become 
> strings. The dependency would only need to be installed if someone chose to 
> introspect the annotations and then "instantiate" them into actual objects. 
> And that only comes up if someone does it from outside by a 3rd-party, who 
> would then need to install the type annotation dependencies themselves.

PEP 563 is the first step there but it's not enough. For this idea to work, 
`typing.TYPE_CHECKING` would need to be moved to the Python runtime, so that 
you can do

    from typing import *

More importantly, you would put type aliases, type variables and new-types in 
this `if` block, too.

But even if all this is true, there's still two remaining features that require 
runtime availability:

1. `cast()`; and
2. creating generic classes by subclassing `Generic[T]` or any of its 
subclasses. And soon enough, Protocols.

I hope I'm not forgetting any other cases. For `cast()` I have an idea how to 
move it to a variable annotation. For generic classes, there's no magic, you 
need `typing` at runtime. Fortunately, that latter case is (I hope?) relatively 

All the above is summarized here:

- Ł

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