Oh, dang, I forgot about this. ContextVar.set() modifies the current
Context in-place using a private API. In the PEP, asyncio copies the
Context once and then calls run() repeatedly (for each _step call). So
run() isn't stateless, it just saves and restores the notion of the current
context (in the thread state). I don't have time right now to respond in
more detail, sorry for shedding darkness. :-( Hopefully I'll have time

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 4:25 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com>

> 2018-01-03 23:01 GMT+01:00 Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org>:
> > Heh, you're right, I forgot about that. It should be more like this:
> >
> > def run(self, func, *args, **kwds):
> >     old = _get_current_context()
> >     _set_current_context(self)  # <--- changed line
> >     try:
> >         return func(*args, **kwds)
> >     finally:
> >         _set_current_context(old)
> >
> > This version, like the PEP, assumes that the Context object is truly
> > immutable (not just in name) and that you should call it like this:
> >
> > contextvars.copy_context().run(func, <args>)
> I don't see how asyncio would use Context.run() to keep the state
> (variables values) between callbacks and tasks, if run() is
> "stateless": forgets everything at exit.
> I asked if it would be possible to modify run() to return a new
> context object with the new state, but Yury confirmed that it's not
> doable:
> Yury:
> > [Context.run()] can't return a new context because the callable you're
> running can raise an exception. In which case you'd lose modifications
> prior to the error.
> Guido:
> > Yury strongly favors an immutable Context, and that's what his reference
> implementation has (https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/5027). His
> reasoning is that in the future we *might* want to support automatic
> context management for generators by default (like described in his
> original PEP 550), and then it's essential to use the immutable version so
> that "copying" the context when a generator is created or resumed is super
> fast (and in particular O(1)).
> To get acceptable performances, PEP 550 and 567 require O(1) cost when
> copying a context, since the API requires to copy contexts frequently
> (in asyncio, each task has its own private context, creating a task
> copies the current context). Yury proposed to use "Hash Array Mapped
> Tries (HAMT)" to get O(1) copy.
> Each ContextVar.set() change creates a *new* HAMT. Extract of the PEP 567:
> ---
>     def set(self, value):
>         ts : PyThreadState = PyThreadState_Get()
>         data : _ContextData = ts.context_data
>         try:
>             old_value = data.get(self)
>         except KeyError:
>             old_value = Token.MISSING
>         ts.context_data = data.set(self, value)
>         return Token(self, old_value)
> ---
> The link between ContextVar, Context and HAMT (called "context data"
> in the PEP 567) is non obvious:
> * ContextVar.set() creates a new HAMT from
> PyThreadState_Get().context_data and writes the new one into
> PyThreadState_Get().context_data -- technically, it works on a thread
> local storage (TLS)
> * Context.run() doesn't set the "current context": in practice, it
> sets its internal "context data" as the current context data, and then
> save the *new* context data in its own context data
> PEP 567:
> ---
>     def run(self, callable, *args, **kwargs):
>         ts : PyThreadState = PyThreadState_Get()
>         saved_data : _ContextData = ts.context_data
>         try:
>             ts.context_data = self._data
>             return callable(*args, **kwargs)
>         finally:
>             self._data = ts.context_data
>             ts.context_data = saved_data
> ---
> The main key of the PEP 567 implementation is that there is no
> "current context" in practice. There is only a private *current*
> context data.
> Not having get_current_contex() allows the trick of context data
> handled by a TLS. Otherwise, I'm not sure that it would be possible to
> synchronize a Context object with a TLS variable.
> From the user point of view, Context.run() does modify the context.
> After the call, variables values changed. A second run() call gives
> you the updated context.
> I don't think that a mutable context would have an impact in
> performance, since copying "context data" will still have a cost of
> O(1). IMHO it's just a matter of taste for the API.
> Or maybe I missed something.
> Victor

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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