On 1/28/2018 11:43 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
So why can't you just run "make test" if that's faster?

Not a standard option on Windows ;-).

On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 8:30 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com <mailto:ncogh...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On my current system, "make test" runs in around 3 minutes, while
    "./python -m test" runs in around 16 minutes. And that's with "make
    test" actually running more tests (since it enables several of the
    "-u" options).

    The difference is that "make test" passes "-j0" and hence not only
    uses all the available cores in the machines, but will also run other
    tests while some tests are sleeping.

    How would folks feel about making "-j 0" the default in the test
    suite, and then adjusted the handling of "-j 1" to switch back to the
    current default single process mode?

    My rationale for that is to improve the default edit-test cycle in
    local development, while still providing a way to force single-process
    execution for failure investigation purposes.

I would like this (though I could write a .bat file). I routinely pass -j14 or so on a 6 core x 2 processes/core machine and get about the same times. The speedup would be even better but for the last very long running test. I wish each test file was limited to about 30 seconds, or even a minute.

Terry Jan Reedy

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